Today, I was reading a blog entry by Rick Sheffren, Leverage: Maximize your income in minimum time. It reminded me of the potential leverage of past accomplishments. As artists, we don’t always pause to update our resumes (CVs). We participate in swaps, group shows, and see our works published in zines and magazines… and all…
Category: Business & Career
How to earn money – or even a living – from your artistic talents: Selling art, teaching art, and more.
Art Consignment for Beginners
Every year, new art galleries and crafts shops open. Often, they’re launched on a shoestring. They need consigned items to sell. Every year, new artists and crafters decide that this is the year they’re going to launch their careers. They need places to show their artwork. It could be a perfect partnership for your artwork…
Recommended: Annual meetings
If you want to meet other artists and talk with them about local resources and outlets for your own art, here’s one great approach: Join art associations and clubs, and — here’s the important part — go to their annual meetings. Unlike some corporate annual meetings, art associations’ meetings can be very sociable and fun. …
Choosing an unjuried show
How do you choose a ‘good’ art show or crafts fair when you’re a beginner? A few simple cues can help you, plus one reliable source. The first cue is the quality of promotion. Does this fair have an online presence, and does their site look professional. (If not, tell them about my book, Sites…
Keys to successful art shows: Have fun
Art fairs and art shows can be great or totally boring. What makes the difference? You do. Many artists don’t like to hear that, but it’s true. When I was a Guest at Dragon*Con 2007, I visited the”Walk of Fame” to see a few friends and buy some autographed photos. One of the busiest booths…
The Quadrants, revisited, by Robin Retallick
Let’s begin by understanding a couple of things here: 1. If you’re reading this, then you may be among those looking for a “fix” to life. We see others that seem to have it all, and we can’t seem to get ourselves organized. If only we could find the secret to success. Well – read…
Trademarks, original ideas, and copycats
Copying is a regular topic of discussion among artists. Recently, someone suggested copyright and trademarks as ways to protect clever product or workshop names that we use, and so on. I can’t give you legal advice. I’m not a lawyer. But, here are a few of my experiences and opinions: I’m not convinced that…
Copyright and the ‘three stroke’ rule
The popular “three stroke” rule suggests that you can copy anyone’s art as long as at least three brush strokes are different. No, that is NOT a law. In fact, even within clear copyright law, every legal case will return a different decision. My background in copyright law I’m not a lawyer, so this is…
9 Ways to Communicate a Rock-Solid Identity
Aisling’s notes: Bob Baker, author of “Unleash the Artist Within” and “Branding Yourself Online” offers some very helpful advice about creating interesting and helpful websites. This is a reprint of one of his articles. I wish that I’d read some of this years ago. 9 Ways to Communicate a Rock-Solid Identity by Bob Baker Branding…
Be friendly at shows
It’s important to be friendly when you have a booth at an art show, a crafts fair, or any art-type festival. Often, owners of new art galleries visit shows like this, to spot new talent. You may be invited to participate in an upcoming gallery show, or find a similar opportunity to “move up” to…