Legal – Privacy, Disclosures, and More

Thanks for clicking to see this page. What’s here and on pages linked below is important, even if it’s fairly standard for every website.


First, let’s talk about privacy. This site’s formal privacy policy is located here. It’s a bit of a snooze to read, but it’s necessary.

The short version is: I don’t personally collect any information about you at this website. Nothing at this website is designed for that, unless you leave a comment.

If you do leave a comment, I can see your IP number, plus whatever other information you choose to leave, accurate or not.

Other than that, well, it’s the Internet. Some data collection seems to be unavoidable.

(Also, this website is supported with affiliate links and sometimes some ads, in addition to my Etsy shop, videos, and so on. Otherwise, I’m not sure I could keep it online. Those external sites have their own privacy policies, possibly different from mine.)

Here are more details

  • If you leave a comment or send me something via the Contact page, I’ll usually know your email address (if you leave a real one when you comment) and maybe your IP number.  I don’t do anything with that information, it’s just how the system works.
  • My website security software – and my hosting site’s security software – may check your IP number to be sure you’re not coming from a Really Bad Neighborhood.
  • Some services, like Google Analytics, also record information. That’s generally generic and non-personalized  and includes which articles are visited most often by people from which countries, and so on.
  • If you see any ads (they’ll be obvious), they may add cookies or something similar. Generally, I avoid running ads on my websites.
  • If you click on a link (from this site) that takes you to another site, that site may not have the same privacy and business policies as I do.
  • If you came here from a site that follows you – something like, say, Facebook – they may record your visit to my site.

Ads, Affiliate Links, Etc.

Now let’s talk about how this website is supported, covering my hosting expenses and other resources that keep this site online and current.

The short version is: I use affliate links and some ads. I’m also sent free products to test and review honestly.

Here are more details

  • I am an Amazon Affiliate and a Vine member. So, I sometimes receive sample products to test and review. Also, if you click on an affiliate link and purchase something, I may earn a small commission. That does not affect your purchase price, but it does support this website. Thank you!
  • As time permits, I may participate in other affiliate programs, but at this website, I never recommend anything I wouldn’t want my mom or my kids to purchase.  (Family members may read my articles, so I’m very serious about that.)
  • I am accepting some advertising on this site. I have no control over which ads are displayed. If anything is offensive, let me know ASAP.

If any of this is confusing, please ask me about it. I always try to be totally honest (and sometimes over-share) about… well, everything.

Formal Legal Notices

To meet the legal requirements of doing business in the U.S. (and now the EU), here are my formal legal pages, with all the details my attorneys told me to tell you.

Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates.