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This collage started with a puppy’s cute face.
Then, because my humor is quirky, I realized the puppy’s face would fit perfectly on an Hermes ad from a British fashion magazine.
With a few added details, this torn-paper collage – the only one I created this past weekend – seemed complete.
Sometimes, the simplest collages are the most effective.
It’s the holiday season and – as usual – I’m looking forward to Christmas and all it represents. So, I guess I’m in a flippant, happy mood.
Play, and spread some cheer!
P.S. The support for this collage was painted green, and then applied a slightly sheer layer of iridescent teal blue. I’ll replace this photo with a better one, later, but – for now (on a Monday morning) – it conveys the general idea behind this art.
(And yes, my husband quoted “Ghostbusters,” saying something like, “Okay, so she’s a dog.” Because his humor is quirky, too.)
Things I learned, creating this collage:
Simple can be fun. It’s far to easy for me to keep adding collage elements when the work might be better with a greater sense of space.
Using glue stick as the adhesive prevents more buckling and bubbling than gel medium, but the adhesion isn’t as consistent, especially as glue stick dries so quickly. And, once placed, the glue holds almost immediately, so fewer adjustments are possible.
But, for small collage elements, where I can place the piece lightly (and make minor adjustments) and then press it down, glue stick can be better than gel medium.
(My usual art journaling glue is Yes!Paste.)