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Many years ago, I taught at Artfest. It was a golden era, and – for the first few years – I had a wonderful time.
At one Artfest, organizer Teesha Moore gave us simple cloth dolls. I think her grandmother had assembled them.
When I received mine, I promptly embellished her. Here’s the result.
(I apologize for the size of the image. It’s from around 2001, I think. All of my online images were very small, because – with dial-up connections, and some people paying by-the-minute for Internet service – load time and file sizes were a big concern.)
My embellishments:
I added rubber stamps, beads, wool hair, antennae with beads, and wired, rubber-stamped, paper “faerie wings.”
I think she’s in storage right now. When I find her again, I’ll take a better photo and add her to this website.